Wood as a source
Your carbon footprint with FibraQ
When used with a plastic such as PP, the carbon footprint decreases linearly as a function of FibraQ, in the way that by adding 30% FibraQ, one decreases the carbon footprint of PP plastic by 50%.
FibraQ can be furthermore mixed with recycled plastics or other biopolymers to further reduce the carbon footprint of plastic products, being able to reach carbon neutrality or even a negative carbon footprint.
By using 1 ton of FibraQ you save up to 5 tons CO2eq per ton of finished product.

Renewable feedstock
Grown around the corner: Sweden, Norway and Finland are three of the most forest-rich countries in Europe. Of Europe's 211 million hectares of forest land, there are over 61 million hectares in these three nations. The wood fibres we use are sourced from Nordic forest using international forest certification schemes, under which sustainable forestry is verified through third-party certification such as FSC and PEFC​.
By using the spare capacity from the existing Forest industry, our product is highly scalable. Our solution enables wood fiber producers and the paper industry to produce and deliver material in already existing production lines and supply chains. This makes it a solution that can be applied globally with local production with less shipping costs and pollution as a result, but it also contributes to keeping the otherwise declining paper industry alive.
For every harvested three, two new are planted!

Carbon sink
What is a carbon Sink?
Keeping it simple, a Carbon sink is something that absorb more carbon than it releases.
Wood is a naturally climate positive material, as trees play an important role in the carbon cycle by continually taking carbon out of the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. This means they absorb more carbon dioxide than they release, and they produce oxygen, making trees 2 x global champions!
That´s why replacing one kilo of plastic with one kilo of our wood fibers contributes to 5 kilograms of carbon reduction.

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Fibra Q can be recycled and we estimate the re-processability is possible up to five to seven times, just like other types of plastics.
Fibra Q can also improve the properties of other recycled plastics, extending their re-processability.
This is all dependent on the volumes and the progress of recycling bioplastics in general.

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