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Cookies & Data policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that websites store on your computer. There are two types of cookies: One type stores a file for an extended period of time on your computer (permanent cookies). It is used, for example, to tell you about what is new since your last visit to the website. The other type of cookies is called session cookies. During the time you are surfing on a website, such cookie is temporarily stored in your computer’s memory, for example in order to remember what language you have selected. Session cookies are stored for a short period of time on your computer and they disappear when you close your browser.
You will find more general information about cookies and electronic communication on The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency’s website.


The use of cookies at Biofiber Tech’s website

We use cookies to make the website work, to improve your user experience by giving you a personalized experience that's in line with your settings and to analyse web statistics. The information gathered may be shared with third parties. 


Any browser visiting Biofiber Tech sites will receive cookies from us. You must allow storage of cookies on your computer in order to use Biofiber Tech website in the manner we have intended. You can also at any time opt-out from cookies by changing your browser settings. Further information on how to change your cookie settings are available below and in the help menu in the browser. If you do not allow cookies or if you choose to opt-out from them, please note that parts of the website will not function properly and that this will affect your user experience.


Functionality of the website

Accepted Cookies is a permanent cookie setting when you have given your consent to this cookie policy. The cookie is used to register that you have approved this cookie policy, so that you do not need to approve it next time you visit Biofiber Tech´s website. The cookie is stored permanently on your computer until it is manually deleted. We may place additional cookies in the future in order to make the website function as intended.


Analysis tool for web statistics

Biofiber Tech´s website uses Google Analytics in order to understand how visitors use the website. Google Analytics is a web-analytics software of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Analytics is using cookies which are stored on your computer and which allow us to analysis your behavior on our website. The information generated by these cookies includes information about how you use the website such as what pages are displayed, where the usage is happening and the number of visits, including a unique User ID/Client ID.


The information received from the Google Analytics cookies (including a truncated version of your IP address) is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the U.S. The truncated IP address will not be combined with other data of Google. Please see below for further information on how we transfer IP addresses to Google.


At our website we might show videos hosted on YouTube which are shown in YouTube’s film player. If you choose to play a film or otherwise interact with our website where Youtube films are shown, YouTube may set cookies on through our website. We have no access to, and cannot control, these cookies or the information they are gathering. Additional cookies may be placed by YouTube in order to enable usage of the YouTube-features on the website. Please go to YouTube's website ( for further information of these cookies.



This cookie is used to authenticate members and API clients.


Google Analytics – IP masking and web statistics

As stated above, we use Google Analytics to evaluate how its website is used in order to improve the contents, navigation and structure. We have set the Google Analytics tool to ensure that the information stored by Google is anonymous. This is done by Google Analytics by truncating (removing) the last digits from the visitor’s IP address before the information is stored by Google (so-called IP masking). Google may transfer this information to a third party if required by law or in the event a third party is processing the information on behalf of Google. Further information regarding the terms of use and data protection of Google can be found on and on


No to web statistics and cookies?

If you do not wish your visits to Biofiber Tech´s website website to be shown in the statistics in Google Analytics, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie (incl. your truncated IP address) and the processing of the data by downloading and installing the browser-plugin available under


In addition, most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. Browser manufacturers provide help pages relating to cookie management in their products. Please follow the link below for further information.


Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox





Third-party cookies

Our cookie table above lists the third party cookies on our website. Please see LinkedIn’s Cookie Policy here, for further information of their cookies.


Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to third party websites. If you visit these websites, our cookie policy does no longer apply. We recommend that you visit these websites and read their policies before you use these websites.



If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, you are welcome to contact us by sending an email to

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